Ryohei Minami

creating the

From post-war reconstruction to rapid economic growth, through the bursting of the economic bubble and the “lost decade,” Japan has faced challenges. We have an aging population, a declining labor force, and massive fiscal deficits. Despite experiencing systemic fatigue at every turn, Japanese society has struggled to change. The country is gradually sinking. To help it resurface, I firmly believe that innovation is essential. Entrepreneurs and startups will be the driving force of that innovation.
There are significant market opportunities to revolutionize industries and dramatically improve labor productivity, both of which have historically supported Japan. I aim to support entrepreneurs taking on challenges in these areas with the vision of leaving behind a future that our children can be proud of.

In middle and high school, I was captain of the soccer team and often served as a class representative. I remember fitting into those roles naturally, rather than actively seeking them out. I was never the charismatic leader type, but I was always thinking about how to bring the team together while respecting individuality. I wanted to support those in the shadows and those light. I saw myself more as a staff officer than a protagonist, focusing on the team and defining the role I should play within it. A lot of my mindset was formed during that time.
Having connections with the outside world also had a big part in shaping who I am. When my father was assigned to work overseas, it sparked my desire to someday study abroad. During my undergraduate years, I spent a year in an overseas exchange program (finally getting accepted on my third attempt). Upon entering the workforce, I was able to study abroad at a business school on a corporate-sponsored program. I developed a passion for backpacking, as well. To date, I have traveled to around forty countries. These experiences helped me reflect on the overwhelming presence of diversity and gain insights into Japan's relative position and values.
Through my career, I support the growth of Japanese companies as a finance professional. Being assigned to the IPO team as a new graduate fulfilled a long-held desire of mine, and it led me to where I am today. My reason for being in venture capital lies in collaboration. As a staff officer, team member, and a trusted confidant for startups, I am supporting the protagonists shaping Japan’s new era.
Personal Keywords
father of three kids, watching and playing sports (soccer, golf, and swimming), California wines, manga, traveling
In his previous role at Daiwa Securities, Ryohei Minami was involved in IPO advisory services for private companies. He also drafted proposals and executed support for finance and M&A for public companies. In January 2018, he joined GLOBIS Capital Partners.
He graduated from Keio University with a bachelor’s degree in economics and completed his MBA at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business.