Ryohei (Ryan) Nomoto

creating the

A business or company is a reflection of the founding entrepreneur’s personality. Rather than ventures that follow traditional theories or playbooks, I support those that showcase unique character and individuality.
As an investor, I am committed to ensuring the success of these businesses. However, on a personal level, I believe that the challenges and setbacks along the entrepreneurial journey are valuable. These are exciting life experiences to cherish.

“Mr. Nomoto, what do you want to leave behind in this world?”
An entrepreneur asked me this during a dinner meeting. I was a bit taken aback and, without really thinking about it, replied, "Concepts." I remember feeling a bit embarrassed, yet oddly satisfied with my answer.
I write books to share my ideas with the world. I take photographs to show beauty from my perspective. Even when cooking, I enjoy highlighting ingredients in my own way.
Instead of creating something entirely new, I have a passion for rediscovering and reinterpreting what already exists. Perhaps I got this from my grandfather, who was a historian.
New concepts can change how we see the world. Historically, the idea of “human rights” transformed society. More recently, the concept of “startups” has revitalized industries. In my career, I hope to discover new concepts with entrepreneurs who can have a similar impact.
As an aside, the dinner with that entrepreneur went well. I ended up investing in their venture.
Personal Keywords
photography, movies, music, cooking
Ryohei Nomoto worked as an attorney before joining KDDI Group’s Supership Inc. in 2015. He has been with GLOBIS Capital Partners since 2019.
Previously, he served as a member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Patent Office’s Committee on Contract Guidelines for Promoting Open Innovation in Various Technological Fields. He is also a part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering.
He graduated from Keio University and earned a JD degree from the University of Tokyo Law School, then passed the Japanese bar exam in 2012.
Media / Publications
He is the author of Successful Alliances: Strategy and Practice (Nihon Jitsugyo Publishing) and co-author of several books, including Legal Strategies for App Business Success (Gijutsu-Hyoronsha), Regulation and Practice of the Sharing Economy (Seirin Publishing), Legal Consultation for Startups (Seirin Publishing), and Venture Capital Practice (Toyo Keizai Inc.).