Satoshi Fukushima

creating the

Entrepreneurs design and realize their visions to make the world a better place. As venture capitalists, we take every possible measure to bring those visions of the future one step closer to reality.
Venture capital is a long-term endeavor, but really, it can transcend time. We gather the assets and expertise of the present, entrust them to entrepreneurs, and together strive to deliver new values and lifestyles to the future.
Whenever I take on challenges and hardships alongside entrepreneurs, that moment of successfully delivering new value to the world brings such immense joy, such a profound sense of purpose.
I am committed to partnering with entrepreneurs who are passionate about their ideal future and the earnest work it takes to create a society that moves us all forward.

When I was young, I often found myself on teams as vice leader or vice captain. (Perhaps because one meaning of my name, “Fuku” is “vice”!) It was a bit frustrating back then, but over time, I discovered the joy of sharing unique value and insights with my teammates. I loved celebrating our shared successes.
My interest in venture capital sparked when I began noticing that close friends, acquaintances, and elders from various communities around me had become entrepreneurs or leaders of startups. It was inspiring. I wanted to work alongside them and be part of that vibrant, powerful momentum.
I found my place at the center of a Venn diagram. From there, I can contribute enthusiastically and, at times, with a broader perspective to help the core of each community. This is where I feel most authentic.
Though the blazing red flames may be hard to see, I strive to keep the hottest “blue flame” in me burning. As a connection point for entrepreneurs, teams, and stakeholders, I am committed to realizing ideal futures together.
Personal Keywords
walk, travel, cook, sports, animals
Satoshi Fukushima joined GLOBIS in April 2014. Prior to that, he worked at Deutsche Securities Inc., where he engaged in various M&A advisory and financing transactions. He received a BA in economics from the University of Tokyo.
Media / Publications
Authored: Venture Capital Practices (Toyo Keizai Inc.)
Contributions: Private Equity for Pension Funds (Kinzai)