Shota Isoda

creating the

I believe we are entering an era where startups must take the helm to pioneer necessary innovations in society. There are so many pressing social challenges: global warming, security issues, an aging population, labor shortages, food sustainability, and regional disparities, to name a few. Amidst these, I find great hope in the increasing number of people striving to make a difference in this generation.
I am particularly interested in challenges centered on Japan. How can we sustainably enhance international competitiveness through strategic industries? As the country moves away from being an economic powerhouse and towards becoming a nation of cultural influence, we need to explore how to further unlock our charms. Japan is rich in soft power—manga, anime, games, tourism, and food. Moreover, our technology, geographic conditions, national characteristics, and customs could be leveraged to create global standards.
Looking thirty to fifty years into the future, I aspire to proudly say that our generation has made positive changes. I am committed to embracing challenges every day towards this goal.

Entrepreneurs have inspired me at critical junctures in my life.
During high school, I watched a documentary about Taichi Murakami from Livesense. He is an alumnus of my school, and I was captivated by the idea of entrepreneurs creating societal change. As I delved deeper into the lives of prominent startup founders, it felt as though I was observing the major leaguers of the business world. This made them seem out of reach, and I wondered how I could work alongside such people. This led me to pursue a career as a certified public accountant and develop a specific expertise.
When I found myself stuck during my exam studies, I happened to hear Soichiro Minami from BizReach speak at a small event. He had such presence, and his words revived my passion. When I transitioned from an audit firm to the startup world, I had the opportunity to speak with several entrepreneurs whose visions and missions deeply impressed me. This led me to venture capital, where I could work with not just one entrepreneur but several.
Now I work with entrepreneurs every day. I feel both admiration and awe. Life is a journey of creating memories. As a venture capitalist, I look forward to enjoying this journey and building the future together with entrepreneurs.
Personal Keywords
baseball, calligraphy, snowboarding, yakiniku
Shota Isoda joined GLOBIS Capital Partners in June 2020. Prior to that, he worked at KPMG AZSA LLC, providing audit and IPO support in various industries, including manufacturing, information and communication, retail, entertainment, and energy.
He graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University.